About Me

Laura Whiteland

Financial Planner, Community Volunteer, Writer, and Speaker
Canada’s Trans Financial Planner


Laura began in the financial services industry in 2014, after completing a business administration program from NSCC. Laura grew her knowledge over time, by earning the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® Designation in 2017, and the Chartered Investment Manager® Designation in 2018. Laura has worked as an Investment Advisor and Portfolio Manager, with securities licensing including options licensing. Laura has completed tax planning courses and has experience completing T1 generals alongside her tax planning knowledge. Laura has also been life insurance licensed having completed the LLQP. She has also worked with multiple large financial institutions in various roles and has experience with personal and business lending, banking, and mortgages.

Laura is the owner of Inclusive Financial Planning, a fee-only financial planning firm based. Laura founded Inclusive Financial Planning with a mission to make personalized financial advice more accessible and welcoming to everyone.

Laura has a strong belief in supporting people and communities, particularly the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in rural Nova Scotia with a focus on the trans community of which she is a member. Laura is a Founder and current Chair of the Truro Pride Society. As well as a board member and former co-chair of The Youth Project Society of Nova Scotia. Laura also serves as a Commissioner on the Truro Police Service board and is a member of the Town of Truro’s Diversity Advisory Committee. Laura has sat on the boards for the Colchester Historical Society, and the Canadian Mental Health Association, Colchester East Hants Branch. Laura is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth Platinum Jubilee Medal for her work supporting the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Rural Nova Scotia.

Laura lives in Truro Nova Scotia with her Wife, her child, and two cats.


Get in touch

Laura is always available to help folks with their financial stresses whether through personalized financial planning or seminars and talks.